5 Items You Need For Moving Day!

5 Items You Need For Moving Day!

5 Items You Need For Moving Day!

5 Items You Need for Moving Day!

  1. Post-It/Sticky Notes: Buy Post-It Notes of various colors. In this way, Post-It Notes are great for color-coding your moving boxes and large furniture items. In this way, it will be a breeze for your movers to know which items go where. It can also provide a simple system that enables you to unpack essentials quickly and methodically.

  2. Permanent Black Marker: Using a permanent black marker ensures that you will be able to label virtually anything. From plastic bags to porous cardboard boxes, a permanent black marker is an essential tool for labeling these items for ease of identification later on.

  3. Zippered plastic sandwich bags: A common complaint during moving is that screws and bolts can be easily lost or misplaced between disassembly and reassembly of beds and furniture. This situation can be almost completely avoided with the use of inexpensive zippered plastic sandwich bags to store bolts and screws during the moving process. Simply load in the hardware and tape securely to the bed frame or large piece of furniture for ease of reassembly.

  4. Black Trash Bags: Having a couple of boxes of these durable bags on-hand during your move can be a time (and thus money,) saver. Instead of using bulky wardrobe boxes, stuff clothes in these bags for a last for the minute and dust-free move. Trash bags are also great to have on hand disposable of your large-item packing supplies like shrink wrap, tape, and other debris that may remain after your move.

  5. Basic Tools: Unless you have hired Cheap Movers Los Angeles, many moving companies in Los Angeles do not offer courtesy reassembly of beds and other furniture. Even if you do hire us, we are not allowed to make holes in any structure, meaning you will need to mount your television. Therefore, having basic hand tools and a drill on-hand is necessary.